Melibran Farms raises Colored and White Angora goats. The majority of our goats are registered with the Colored Angora Goat Breeders Association (CAGBA). We maintain some that are Registered Whites with the American Angora Goat Breeders' Association (AAGBA). Angora goats are seasonal breeders so you will see a lot of kid pictures on our Facebook and Instagram pages during Winter and Spring each year ... they literally jump for joy the first day of their lives! The pictures you will access through the 'Learn More' button highlight just a few of our wonderful animals.
Melibran Farms has Gotland and Bluefaced Leicester (BFL) sheep. We are not breeding the sheep at this time; our small herd provides wool for unique fiber products that compliment our focus on mohair. The gentleness of the sheep and their sweet desire to be scratched have convinced us they definitely belong!

We have THE BEST dogs ever at Melibran Farms. Brom, our black German Shepherd, is our constant companion. He watches out for the humans here. Falcor and Arie are two of our adult Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGDs) and they keep an eye on the goats and sheep. Falcor senses when an animal is sick even before they present with symptoms and knows when there are birds of prey near. Arie is so very patient with our goat kids ... and nicknamed 'scary Arie' because of her fierce protective nature. They are a terrific team and share the workload with Bandit, our gentle giant. Bandit patrols the pasture, looking for friend and foe. He LOVES to spend time with humans and our animals.